Welcome, and hugs GMOOH. It is a cold, hard, cruel fact to come across that despite all the personal "relationships" (built on your loyalty to WT) that this organization... WT, is a machine.
You have been promised many things, resurrection of a dear loved one, eternal youth, happiness.... all on the contingency that you 'keep your mouth shut' and just wait.... and wait..... and wait... for the ever changing policies, doctrines, promises.
The first time I went on this "apostate site" I was anxious that someone would 'discover me', and know who I was.... but that is unlikely, it is a fear that WT puts in you. "Where will you go?" I just said "anywhere but here, and I don't have to know."
I, however, left with my husband and two children and sister. You have a wife and a mom left.... Have you ever reported the abuse to the police? The person who abused you is most likely abusing others. Does your wife know about the abuse? Sometimes, when these things come to light, and people see how the "WT" deals with abuse victims (despite all their nice little WT articles about it lately) people start to see the beast for what it is.
My husband was an elder, had to make a choice of giving a deposition against the WT and being DF'd or 'playing the game'. He told the truth and he and my sons got DF'd to keep it all quiet.
Take one day at a time. It is all your choice, your circumstances. Don't do anything hastily, you have time. When we first left, it seems like I had to explain it all to everyone, everywhere.... Nope, you don't need to. Relax. Post here, read here and other sites. Many, many, many have gone thru and are going thru the same thing.
Hugs, cha ching